Sonntag, 25. Januar 2015

New Year's resolution - Get fit

When January rolls around, many people write down their New Year’s resolutions (we did that on our blog). Everybody thinks about how to change certain aspects or habits of her or his life to have a great year. “Lose weight”, “Eat clean”, “Go to the gym” or “Get fit” are just a few goals for some of us. 
We want to help you to reach these goals by introducing you to five tips:

  1. Before you get started think about your eating habits! Why don’t you try to keep a food diary for one week? If you don’t want to write all down, take pictures of everything you eat! After this week try to rethink all dishes and snacks you had and split them into “good” (which means they are healthy) and “bad” (unhealthy) dishes. What do you want to change? Do you eat enough vegetables and fruit? Are there any snacks/products/dishes you never want to eat again? Also keep in mind: When do you eat and how often?
  2. Drink! Drink! Drink! Do never forget to drink enough! You need a healthy hydrated body to get fit! How do you want to get through those workouts with a dehydrated, tired and slow body? Drinking helps you to decrease cravings and lets your body burn fat better. What should you drink? Forget about diet coke or other sweet beverages! Water and unsweetened tea, those are your new best friends! Make sure that you drink at least ½ of your body weight in ounces daily and take a bottle of water everywhere you go!
  3. Move your body every single day! And now, we are not talking about hard workout routines! Try to avoid the elevator. Ride your bike instead of taking the bus or driving your car. Maybe go for a walk after work or school. There are so many ways to move without sweating! Every single step is a step into the right direction!
  4. Now it is time to talk about workout and fitness. Yoga, running, tennis, cycling, judo,… which type of sports do you like the most? Are there any facilities near your home, like a fitness centre or do you have sports equipment at home? If you don’t have the money or even the time to go to a fitness centre use the internet! There are so many workouts on YouTube!
  5. Finally motivate yourself! Take “before and after pictures”. Find role models on the internet, print them and stick them on your fridge (No bony supermodels! You want to get fit not anorexic!) Or ask your friends if they want to join you and become your fitness buddies. Last but not least! We have a saying in Austria which means “All beginnings are difficult.” (“Aller Anfang ist schwer.”) Yes it is! So why don’t you start now? There is no excuse sweetheart!

See you next Sunday! Maybe with sore muscles… ;)
Juno and Alex xx

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