Sonntag, 8. Februar 2015

DIY Face Masks

So we don't know what it's like for you people but for us a Sunday just equals us-time. The ideal version of this would start off with a nice lie in, going out for a champagne breakfast, having a nap in the afternoon, binge-watching TV-series and finishing off with a magnificent pamper evening. *squeal*
What does this pamper include though, you might ask? Well, running a bath with either some bath oils in it or a bath bomb (I especially love the Brightside bath bomb by Lush), getting a glass of wine and playing a relaxing playlist. PLUS obviously a DIY face mask! We are going to share 3 recepies for different skin types and an extra one for all skin types:

> normal to dry skin
 - 1/2 avocado
 - honey

After destoning the avocade, mesh half of it up very well before adding the honey until you get the typical mask-like consistency. This mask is going to really hydrate those dry and flaky parts of your face and leave behind a soft finish.

> combination skin
 - 1/2 banana
 - greek yoghurt
 - spritz of lemon

Same procedure as above: cut the banana in half, mesh it up and add the honey. Adding a spritz of lemon at the end is going to brighten you skin due to the vitamin C. Furthermore, it will dry out any spots you are having at the moment.

> oily skin
 - healing earth
 - honey
 - tea tree oil
 - water

For those oily skinned girls out there, we got your back! Mix about a spoonful of healing earth with about 3/4 of a spoon of honey. Add a 3-4 drops of tea tree oil and a little bit of water to liquify the mixture a bit more.

> hangover mask
 - 1/3 cucumber
 - honey

If it's been one of those Saturday nights, we're you've had to catch up with drinking a little and you didn't get to bed until sunrise, don't you worry. This mask will bring your angry post-drinking skin back track. We would recommend to put the cucumber in a blender, than put it in a bowl and add raw organic honey. As an antioxidant it is going to help get rid of the cigarette-fumes infused skin and make it soft and happy again!

You can leave all of these masks on for as long as you want to as long as it's longer than 15 minutes. If you try out any of these recepies, share your thoughts in the comments!
Have a nice pamper Sunday ;)
See you next week - Juno and Alex

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