Mittwoch, 23. September 2015

from scratch

Phew. Hi, do you remember us? It's been quite a long time since we've talked. We are very sorry about not posting an update or any signs of life for almost 5 months. Although it is the most cliché reason and nothing more than a lousy excuse, we've just been more than busy with graduating, figuring out the next step on the road of life and being generally not focused enough on our blog.

This is, however, about to change. As autumn is now not even around the corner any more but definitely among us, we thought it would be the perfect time of year to have another go at the whole blogging thing. With summer being over and university just about to start in October it ought to be managable, huh?

I, Alex, have recently moved to Perth, Australia. I am going to spend some time there making new experiences and getting to know the Aussie culture. So far I am absolutely loving it and having a blast!
I, Julia, will start studying English at the university of Graz, Austria, in a few days. I am really excited to fly the nest and to live in a dorm room with a roommate.

Due to us being over 13 000 kilometres apart, it is physically impossible to write posts together. For that very reason we will be writing seperate content from now on.

To sum this all up, BIG apologies for being completely MIA for the past couple of months. Expect loads of new posts full of fresh content and full of new ideas! There could even be posts about beauty and make-up *shhhh*!

So. We are back and starting kinda from scratch.

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